Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wind Damage to Corn Seedlings

Strong winds can not only damage young corn plants with their sheer force, but winds can cause sandblasting, which is damage to leaf tissue by the abrasive effect of blowing soil particles near the soil surface.  When corn has been exposed to wind damage and sandblasting, leaves may appear shredded and ragged, and exhibit a pale green or whitish color.  The good news is that the growing point is usually not injured and warmer weather can encourage regrowth.  Corn growers in affected areas may be wondering what the impact of wind damage will be on yield potential and what management options may be available.  Although the newly emerged corn does not look pretty, the damage is likely more cosmetic than anything.  The growing point is still below ground and likely protected, recovery from wind damage is highly likely.

                                                                                 Monsanto Tech. Development & Agronomy

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

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Mark Seed Company